Technical Program
Technical Program for the 2022 BTM conference.
Please see below for the Technical Program. To view speaker abstracts, please click .
Start Time | End Time | |
December 14, 2022 | All Eastern Standard Time | |
Day 1 | ||
8:00 AM | 3:00 PM | Registration |
8:30 AM | 9:00 AM | Welcome & Breakfast |
9:00 AM | 9:05 AM | Opening Remarks by Chairs: Shrike Zhang, Harvard Univeristy & Sara Nunes Vasconcelos, University of Toronto |
9:05 AM | 11:25 AM | Tissue Engineering Chair: Sara Nunes Vasconcelos, University of Toronto & Juan M. Melero-Martin, Harvard Medical School |
9:05 AM | 9:50 AM | KEYNOTE: Recent Advances with Silk-Based Biomaterials & Technologies, David Kaplan, Tufts University |
9:50 AM | 10:15 AM | Multifactorial optimization of mechanobiological responses for stem cell bioprocess development, Craig Simmons, University of Toronto |
10:15 AM | 10:40 AM | Developing advanced biomaterials and devices for type 1 diabetes cell replacement therapies, Minglin Ma, Cornell University |
10:40 AM | 11:05 AM | Bioengineering vascular organoids via fate-determining transcription factors, Juan M. Melero-Martin, Harvard Medical School |
11:05 AM | 11:25 AM | Spatially Guided 3D Tissue Morphogenesis By Hydrogel Localization in Multicube Platform, Kasinan Suthiwanich, RIKEN |
11:25 AM | 12:25 PM | LUNCH |
12:25 PM | 2:50 PM | Translation Sesion Chair: Taci Pereira, 3D Systems Shrike Zhang, Harvard University |
12:25 PM | 12:30 PM | Introduction, Taci Pereira, 3D Systems |
12:30 PM | 1:15 PM | KEYNOTE: Microphysiological Systems: Tissue Chips for Drug Screening Program for Safety, Efficacy and Precision Medicine, Passley Hargrove-Grimes, NIH |
1:15 PM | 1:40 PM | Starting Biotech Companies, Tony Kulesa, Pillar Bio |
1:40 PM | 2:05 PM | Known Medicine: from a PhD thesis to a funded biotech startup, Andrea Mazzocchi, Known Medicine |
1:40 PM | 2:10 PM | Afternoon Coffee Break |
2:10 PM | 2:30 PM | Robust Strategies for Generating Perfusable Microvasculature-on-a-Chip Models, Zhengpeng Wan, Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
2:30 PM | 2:50 PM | Application of Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell-Derived Airway Progenitors for Generation of Long Segment Tracheal Grafts, Golnaz Karoubi, University of Toronto |
2:50 PM | 4:50 PM | Poster Session |
December 15, 2022 | ||
Day 2 | ||
8:00 AM | 3:00 PM | Registration |
8:30 AM | 9:00 AM | Welcome & Breakfast |
9:00 AM | 11:25 AM | New Frontiers in Theranostics Session Chair: Shrike Zhang, Harvard Univeristy & Natalie Artzi, Harvard Medical School |
9:00 AM | 9:05 AM | Introduction, Shrike Zhang, Harvard Medical School & Natalie Artzi, Harvard Medical School |
9:05 AM | 9:50 AM | KEYNOTE: Cell-mediated Drug Delivery, Samir Mitragotri, Harvard Medical School |
9:50 AM | 10:15 AM | Advances in GI Drug Delivery, Giovanni Traverso, MIT |
10:15 AM | 10:40 AM | Biomaterials for immune modulation and biomarker sampling in skin interstitial fluid, Natalie Artzi, Harvard Medical School |
10:40 AM | 11:05 AM | Inflammation-responsive supramolecular gels for controlled drug delivery, Nitin Joshi, Harvard Medical School |
11:05 AM | 11:25 AM | Labeling and Tracking Dendritic Cells Using Magnetic Nanoparticles Tailored for Magnetic Particle Imaging, Bo Yu, University of Florida |
11:25 AM | 2:30 PM | Wearable and Implantable Bioelectronics Chair: Jia Liu, Harvard University & Shrike Zhang, Harvard Univeristy |
11:25 AM | 11:30 AM | Introduction, Jia Liu, Harvard University & Shrike Zhang, Harvard Univeristy |
11:30 AM | 12:15 PM | KEYNOTE: Xuanhe Zhao, MIT |
12:15 PM | 1:15 PM | LUNCH |
1:15 PM | 1:40 PM | Automated Microfluidic Technology Platform for Membrane Based Biosensor Development, Shitanshu Devrani, Gothenburg University |
1:40 PM | 2:05 PM | Seamless integration of nanoelectronics with biology, Jia Liu, Harvard |
2:05 PM | 2:30 PM | Biology Meets Its Match, Canan Dagdeviren, MIT |
2:30 PM | 5:00 PM | Stem Cells and Cell Therapies Chairs: Sandra Engle, Biogen & Lesley Chow, Lehigh University |
2:30 PM | 2:35 PM | Introduction, Sandra Engle, Biogen & Lesley Chow, Lehigh University |
2:35 PM | 3:20 PM | KEYNOTE: Heart Regeneration With Human Pluripotent Stem Cells, Michael Laflamme, University Health Network |
3:20 PM | 3:50 PM | Afternoon Coffee Break |
3:50 PM | 4:15 PM | Directing Neurovascular Responses in Musculoskeletal Tissue Regeneration, Warren Grayson, Johns Hopkins University |
4:15 PM | 4:40 PM | Engineering Approaches for Vascular Regeneration, Donny Hanjaya-Putra, University of Notre Dame |
4:40 PM | 5:00 PM | Bioinstructive Scaffolds for In Vivo Manufacturing of CAR T Cells, Pritha Agarwalla, North Carolina State University |
December 16, 2022 | ||
Day 3 | ||
8:00 AM | 3:00 PM | Registration |
8:30 AM | 9:00 AM | Welcome & Breakfast |
9:00 AM | 12:10 PM | Developmental Bioengineering Chair: Jianping Fu, University of Michigan & Sharon Gerecht, Duke University |
9:00 AM | 9:05 AM | Introduction, Jianping Fu, University of Michigan & Sharon Gerecht, Duke University |
9:05 AM | 9:50 AM | KEYNOTE: Engineering gastrointestinal tissues from human pluripotent stem cells, James M. Wells, Cincinnati Children's Hospital |
9:50 AM | 10:15 AM | Human Pluripotent Stem Cell, Organoids, and Disease Modeling, Shuibing Chen, Weill Cornell Medical College |
10:15 AM | 10:40 AM | Synthetic Embryology for Constructing Human Embryo and Organ Models, Jianping Fu, University of Michigan |
10:40 AM | 11:05 AM | Microfabrication Approaches to Control Stem Cell Fate and Function, Quinton Smith, UC Irvine |
11:05 AM | 11:50 AM | KEYNOTE: Engineering human brain-region specific organoids using induced pluripotent stem cells, Guo-Li Ming, Penn |
11:50 AM | 12:10 PM | Computational Models for Collective Cell Migration: From Gastrulation to Cancer Invasion, Zi Chen, Brigham and Women's Hospital, Harvard Medical School |
12:10 PM | 1:10 PM | LUNCH |
1:10 PM | 3:35 PM | Advanced Biomanufacturing Chair: Shrike Zhang, Harvard Univeristy & Anthony Bahinski, Vivodyne |
1:10 PM | 1:15 PM | Introduction, Shrike Zhang, Harvard Univeristy & Anthony Bahinski, Vivodyne |
1:15 PM | 2:00 PM | KEYNOTE: Janus USPIONs Modular Platform 鈥 JUMP: Nanoparticle Design to Enable Modular Cancer Theranostic Agents, Joyce Wong, Boston University |
2:00 PM | 2:25 PM | Bioengineered 3D Human Brain Vascular Network for Brain Tumor and Neurovascular Research, Guohao Dai, Northeastern University |
2:25 PM | 2:50 PM | Mapping and modulating biochemical signaling in engineered neuromuscular tissues, Ritu Raman, MIT |
2:50 PM | 3:35 PM | KEYNOTE: Biomaterial-based T cell therapy, David Mooney, Harvard |
3:35 PM | 4:00 PM | Poster Award Ceremony and Closing Remarks by Chairs: Shrike Zhang, Harvard Univeristy & Sara Nunes Vasconcelos, University of Toronto |